Monday, March 28, 2011

and you know it makes we wonder.....what's go'in on.....
The musical partnership of David Crosby (born August 14, 1941), Stephen Stills (born January 3, 1945), and Graham Nash (born February 2, 1942), with and without Neil Young (born November 12, 1945), was not only one of the most successful touring and recording acts of the late '60s, '70s, and

T Paw says "take our country back." maybe we should.........although I do not think this is what he had in mind....but it sounds real good to me!
Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) addressed thousands at the 'Speak Up For Workers' Rights' rally after a massive protest at Wisconsin's state capitol.

Wonder how FOX gets away with it???
‎'On Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission fined a pair of television stations for airing commercials masquerading as news segments. These video news releases (VNRs) are advertisements produced to be virtually indistinguishable from news stories and distributed to television news department

Enemy of the state..?????
The Republican Party of Wisconsin is seeking, under the state's open-records law, to obtain e-mail sent by a Madison professor who has publicly criticized that state's Republican governor, a move the professor is denouncing as an assault on his academic freedom.

In the wake of devastation, CNBC's Larry Kudlow said: 'The human toll here looks to be much worse than the economic toll, and we can be grateful for that.'

Required Reading
While the media's attention has pivoted toward the civil war in Libya and the multiple catastrophe's in Japan, the war against labor goes aon across America. Here are some of the bes places to keep up with it:Continue reading...

Canadian tax breaks for big corporations.........

View their tax departments as a profit center......?
Lost in the current political fuss about lowering the corporate tax from "35%" is the fact that corporate profits as a % of GDP are at record lows in the U.S. With armies of accountants (many former government officials) and tax havens across the globe our largest corporate citizens play games...

Private Local Government??
This week, the Michigan legislature passed - and the governor signed into law – a bill that would permit Governor Rick Snyder to push aside elected city officials and replace them with emergency financial managers in any municipality or school district facing financial difficulties. The law would in

Big Lies About Jobs............

"And if all others accepted the lie which the party imposed -- if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into history and became the truth."     ~ George Orwell, 1984 (published in 1949)
What worries me almost as much as the Republican's repeated big lies about jobs is the silence of President Obama and Democratic leaders in the face of them. Obama has the bully pulpit. Republicans don't.

Jobs in Wisconsin

Catch the first part of this segment, It's about Wisconsin and some of the people
that Gov. Walker gave jobs to.....

Oldie but still a goodie and "very apropos".........
R.I.P George Carlin a Funny but truthful man.

take us back to the days when ................

Extremest Republicans could say that they want to take us back to the days when insurance companies could deny your care because you have a pre-existing condition, drop you for getting sick and jack up your rates whenever they felt like it........
In their brief time under the leadership of Speaker John Boehner, the Republicans have voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, defund it and eliminate all funding for life-saving health care services for women. That's hardly "soft."

America Plus
Wealthy Americans should make it official by starting their own country

Some things never change.........................


Poor Donald, lost his job...His house in foreclosure...

More pie please.....

Where do you fit in?


Losing Our Way

Losing Our Way

Poor Donald....

Poor Donald....

Poor Donald....

Poor Donald......

Alyona in Donald Duck/Glenn Beck Video

Some things never change.....

Bill of Rights


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Deja vu

Bill of rights.....